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City of Providence Seal PVD Rescue Plan

PVD Rescue Plan Budget Overview

Providence will receive $166 million dollars from the U.S. Treasury to make a transformative investment in our City’s future between now and 2024. Check out the details below to learn how funds have been put to action here in Providence.


The City’s Rescue Plan Survey asked respondents to indicate their  priorities from the following categories: Arts, Culture, and Tourism; Business and Economic Development; City Services and Infrastructure; Housing and Homelessness; Racial Equity; Sustainability; and Youth and Community Investments.

This feedback was categorized into  the following four buckets: Youth and Education, Jobs and Economic Opportunity, Inclusive and Thriving Communities, and A City that Works.

The PVD Rescue Plan survey categories fit into these four buckets as follows:


Youth and Education
Youth and Community Investments, Racial Equity
Inclusive and Thriving Communities
Arts, Culture, and Tourism, Racial Equity, Sustainability, Housing and Homelessness
Jobs and Economic Opportunity
Business and Economic Development
A City That Works
City Services and Infrastructure


Overview of Funding Use

Youth and Education

We believe every dollar invested in our youth is a direct investment in Providence’s future.


Justice Reform - $2.95M

Justice Reform funds will be used to support long-term, proactive services that meet the needs of Providence residents. Projects include expanding an existing co-response model and the implementation of a larger scale behavioral health crisis response program, a license restoration clinic, and a legal defense fund for residents.

The Providence Center - $187K

With these funds, The Providence Center is able to continue to provide  behavioral health clinicians and support police co-response models. The program provides technology to assist with access and administer services. In addition, it expands Crisis Response Infrastructure through data systems and provides training for all parties involved in crisis response.

Anti-Violence Investments - $4.6M

The first ordinance allocated funds to the programs below, and the second ordinance added $2M to the overall budget for these programs.  

  • Youth Mentorship Program – $1.1M
    Mentor Rhode Island is working with 17 local organizations to provide mentoring opportunities to youth across the city as part of the City’s anti-violence work. Community members, stakeholders and non-profit organizations have recognized access to mentorship as a proven method of deterring youth violence. 
  • Citywide Non-Violence Training – $500K
    The Nonviolence Institute is implementing a citywide, paid non-violence training for youth ages 15-24, with the goal of enhancing participants’ conflict resolution skills and proactively identifying interpersonal conflicts between individuals and groups at risk of escalating to violence. Through this partnership, the Nonviolence Institute is holding two types of training, one targeted at youth and another open to adults. 
  • Year-Round Youth Jobs – $1M
    Providence allocated funding to the City’s One Providence for Youth jobs program. The funding supports the addition of over 450 year-round youth jobs to the program, which offer students opportunities that complement their school-year academic and after-school activities by building work readiness skills and exposing them to new career fields. In this program, all youth are earning a wage of $15 per hour.
Summer Jobs for Providence Youth - $1M

These funds support over 200 summer jobs for Providence youth between the ages of 14-24, all with an earning wage of $15 per hour. These jobs are provided through various community organizations throughout the city.

Summer Camp for Providence Youth - $600K

Providence is providing expanded summer day camp programs in 2022, supported by Rescue Plan funding. This funding will be used for staffing, equipment and general operating costs associated with the camp facilitation.

Night Basketball and Recreation Hours Expansion - $80K

During the summer of 2021, the Providence Recreation Department ran a new summer basketball program that hosted over two hundred youth over the course of a five-week program at the West End and Vincent Brown Recreation Centers. Recreation Hours Expansion funds also allowed for extended hours at the centers for young adults during the summer of 2021, with five recreation centers open from 9-11PM on weekdays.

Funding to City Community Centers and Recreation Centers - $1.15M

Grants to community and recreation centers will help centers continue to serve the Providence community at large. Not only are community and recreation centers accessible for Providence youth as safe spaces to enjoy after-school time, but they also serve as warming centers, emergency food stations and WiFi hubs for all Providence residents.

Capital Investments in Recreation Centers - $4.5M

Providence recreation centers are critical safe spaces for Providence youth. The capital investment plan will go beyond warm, secure and dry. There will be a heavy emphasis on “like new” environments with the community in mind. Standard improvements will include improvements to common areas, restrooms, computer rooms, learning spaces, offices, and more Each project will enhance learning and play spaces, boost community engagement and positively influence youth.

Providence Talks, Federal Hill House - $283K

Providence Talks is a language enrichment program that brings parents, children and educators together to enhance language development and learning during the critical years of age 0-3. Providence Talks uses a Language Environment Analysis (LENA) language pedometer to tabulate words spoken with children, aiming for a critical threshold of 21,000 daily words.

Early Learning Infrastructure Funding- $1.5M

The early learning infrastructure program provides specialized assessment, technical assistance and facility grants to local childcare and early learning providers. Grants support organizations in developing comprehensive indoor and outdoor facility plans; making renovations to address issues related to licensing compliance, health and safety or physical space barriers to quality improvement; and expanding quality programming throughout the city.

Providence Community Library (PCL) - $1.5M

These funds are being used to expand hours and programming at PCL’s three largest branches: Knight Memorial, Mt. Pleasant and Rochambeau. In addition, funds will be used to install air conditioners at Knight Memorial so that the building can be used throughout the summer months and can serve as a cooling center during periods of extreme weather. Funds will also be used to create a fully bilingual (English and Spanish) version of the PCL website. Funding may also be used to improve the libraries’ air filtration systems and expand hours at smaller library branches.

Providence Public Library - $100K

These funds will help facilitate Providence Public Library’s expanded open hours through support for two new part-time Information Services staff. Funds will support a new STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) Specialist who will coordinate programming as part of the PVD Young Makers program and assist the public in using the technology in the new Education Workshop and Makerspace.

Food Security Infrastructure Planning - $250K

These funds will be used to develop a long-term Providence Emergency Food Security Response Plan that identifies successes and weaknesses in the 2020 COVID response system. This program will assess current infrastructure needs and establish a Food Security Network that can be activated in the event of a future emergency within the City of Providence.

Food Security Grant Program - $250K

This fund will provide grants to local community organizations to strengthen local food infrastructure.

Elderly Service Supports - $1M

This funding will increase RIPTA access for low-income individuals through free bus passes, increase availability of safe shelter for seniors and provide virtual access to services such as telehealth and senior center activities. In addition, this program will address food and health disparity concerns within the elderly community, provide financial assistance for home improvement projects to low-income residents and increase the availability of virtual health education.

Total: $5.5MM

Inclusive & Thriving Communities

We believe when residents feel safe, healthy and engaged, they thrive and take pride in their own community. Arts, Culture, and Tourism; Racial Equity; Sustainability; Housing and Homelessness


Arts, Culture, and Special Events Support - $1.2M

This funding is for the management and oversight of public space permits, as well as augmenting staff support for special events through a newly created Production Coordinator position and the professionalization of existing and new event management services.

PVDFest Producing Partner, FirstWorks - $275K

These funds supported the planning and operation of PVDFest 2022, the City’s free, signature arts festival held June 10-12, 2022.

Cultural Facilities - $2.5M

Cultural Facilities funds will support the new construction, restoration and renovation of arts and cultural spaces in municipal buildings.

Public Art to Encourage Tourism - $800K

These funds will be used to develop Providence’s profile as a public art destination by facilitating the installation of large-scale murals, temporary public art installations in neighborhoods and residencies that will transform civic spaces.

Tourism Marketing - $700K

These funds will support tourism through expanded support for outdoor events and activities, as well as associated marketing.

Providence-Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau - $700K

Funds for the Providence-Warwick Convention & Visitors Bureau will help continue trade shows, conferences and other large-scale destination programs in collaboration with the City of Providence Art, Culture + Tourism Department.

WaterFire Providence - $300K

WaterFire is an iconic tradition with a huge economic and cultural impact on our city and state. These funds ensured WaterFire returned to Downtown Providence in 2021 after the pandemic closed down operations in 2020.

COVID-19 Inequities Fund - $10M

Mayor Elorza signed a community-driven Executive Order establishing the Providence Municipal Reparations Commission to address the injuries outlined in Truth-Telling and Reconciliation phases of a three-phase process and provide clear recommendations to the City on appropriate policies, programs and projects to begin repairing harm. This Commission will provide recommendations to the Mayor and City Council on how to invest these dollars.

Direct Relief to Providence Residents - $500K

This funding continues the City’s Providence Guaranteed Income Pilot Program and provides flexible cash relief of $500/month for an additional six months to 110 low-income Providence households who have suffered economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Facilities Development Program - $2.6M

This funding will invest in the project design, business plan and community planning of facilities within the city that support upward mobility in the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) community, which was disproportionately impacted by COVID-19.

Resiliency Infrastructure in Frontline Communities - $1.7M

This funding will ensure a low-carbon future that centers the people most impacted by climate change​. This program will leverage ARPA funding to help overcome technical and financial barriers for low-to-moderate income (LMI) homeowners and nonprofits to be prepared for climate change by making sustainable investments in their homes or facilities.

Affordable Housing Development - $17M

This funding will go towards the Providence Housing Trust for the purposes of affordable housing development.

Home Repair Program - $3M

This program plans to expand residential rehabilitation assistance for low/moderate income households to remain safely and affordably housed.

Affordable & Alternate Housing Programming - $500K

The City of Providence will issue an RFP for community-driven proposals for innovative housing pilot programs that will serve low-income households and hardest-hit populations.

Emergency Housing Solutions - $1M

Through partners, the City will provide funding to expand non-congregate shelter models, diversion and housing navigation programs to add critically-needed capacity to the homeless service system.

Homelessness Intervention - $500K

This funding was a grant awarded in late 2021 to Crossroads Rhode Island to support a new citywide mobile diversion program for Providence residents experiencing homelessness. Through this initiative, Crossroads Rhode Island assisted individuals currently living in places not meant for human habitation to regain permanent housing or enter a shelter or transitional housing program.

Expand Rapid Rehousing - $4M

The rapid rehousing investment funding will be provided over two-to-three years to expedite the transition of people experiencing homelessness from a shelter environment to permanent housing by providing rental assistance and case management.

Eviction Defense - $600K

This program will engage community partners to continue a successful eviction defense pilot program providing no-cost legal aid services to prevent people from being displaced from their homes.

Permanent Supportive Housing - $2M

Funding will be transferred to the Providence Housing Trust to be used for the development of permanent supportive housing, which will include deeply affordable housing paired with ongoing social services.

Total: $6.4MM

Jobs & Economic Opportunity

We believe it is our responsibility to ensure economic development creates opportunities for residents across all 25 neighborhoods.


COVID-19 Adaptive Reuse Program - $1.4M

This funding will encourage main street beautification projects and redevelopment of  the neighborhoods and commercial corridors most impacted by COVID-19 by enhancing their visual aesthetics, with the goal of increasing property values, tenant occupancy, economic development and job creation.

Hardest Hit Community Organizations - $300K

These funds provide direct relief funding for non-profit organizations to extend social services such as minority business assistance, behavioral health services, healthcare, job training, food pantries and childcare to residents within neighborhoods most disrupted by COVID-19.

Shared Use Infrastructure Grant Program - $270K

The funds provide grants to neighborhood associations and nonprofit organizations to improve vacant or neglected properties and put them to use for small businesses, community gardens, farms, recreation areas or pop-up shops. This effort is accomplished through the direct support of neighborhood-based cooperatives, community development corporations and land trusts.

Workforce Development for COVID-19 Impacted Individuals - $820K

These funds will provide non-credentialed training and career development opportunities for Providence residents with the greatest barriers to employment.

Relief for Small Businesses in Providence - $7M

Small business grants of $2,500 were awarded to over 250 Small Businesses in Providence through the City’s COVID-19 Small Business Grant Program, starting in 2021 with the application period for the program ending on July 1, 2022. Remaining funds will be allocated for small business corridors or capital infrastructure improvements in Providence neighborhoods.

Total $8MM

A City that Works

We believe our residents deserve a transparent and responsive city government that maintains a high-level of quality city services.


Cybersecurity and Information Technology Investments - $1.5M

This funding will be used primarily in three areas: cybersecurity for all City departments, information technology investments related to ARPA and safety technology investments to support IT infrastructure for the City.

Youth and Family Broadband Access - $1M

This funding is for expanded WiFi access across City buildings, parks, recreation facilities and open spaces to offer residents and visitors more access to the internet.This work will begin in summer 2022 and a total of at least 50 free City WiFi sites are planned to be operational by the end of 2022. In addition, the City plans to fund collaborations with nonprofit organizations to increase the number of low-and moderate-income residents served with internet access in their home.

Parks and Recreation Capital Investments - $3.5M

This funding will support investments in parks and recreation centers throughout Providence, critical for the outdoor activation of public spaces.

Downtown Open Spaces in Qualified Census Tract (QCTs) - $10.3M

This program includes improvements to the Greater Kennedy Plaza area and Waterplace Park for climate resiliency, accessibility and open space activation.

Roger Williams Park Gateway - $4M

The Roger Williams Park Gateway is an infrastructure project to convert previously blighted lots into an enhanced entrance to the Park on Broad Street. The project broke ground on August 24, 2021, surrounded by elected officials and community members, and is expected to be completed in late summer 2022.

Street Sweeping, Sewer Repair, Basin Cleaning - $6M

This funding will be used to improve the overall health of the city’s waterways and water quality. The program will also develop a data-driven asset management approach to sewer infrastructure and maintenance plan for grease, tree roots and inflow/infiltration. It will also maintain and/or replace existing sewer infrastructure to serve the City for centuries into the future. Street sweeping was also funded under this program.

Revenue Replacement - $56M

In accordance with eligible uses of American Rescue Plan Act funds, revenue replacement funds can be used to replace public sector revenue loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to fund infrastructure recovery projects.The infrastructure projects funded through this category include improvements to the Fox Point Hurricane Barrier, Roger Williams Park Zoo capital investments, City park investments and sidewalk improvements.

FY23&24 Administrative Expenditures - $3M

These funds will be used for fees associated with the distribution of ARPA funds for administrative expenses, staffing and consulting services managed by the City of Providence and Providence City Council.

Total: $23MM