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City of Providence Seal PVD Rescue Plan

Apply for American Rescue Plan Funds

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Opportunities to apply for American Rescue Plan funds are now available. Check out the opportunities below for specific information on the funds available and how to apply. Support is available for anyone needing help with the applications below.

Current Programs

Driver's License Restoration Program

OpenDoors, along with partners Amos House, the Pro Bono Collaborative at Roger Williams University (RWU) School of Law, the Rhode Island Center for Justice and the Center for Health and Justice Transformation (CHJT) was selected by the City through a request for proposals process to provide coordinated driver’s license reinstatement services through this program, providing case management, legal support and financial aid to Providence residents whose driver’s license was suspended as a result of a missed traffic court hearing, unpaid fines from municipal or state court and other monetary-related suspensions.

 Through the program, care coordinators at OpenDoors and Amos House will work directly with the Rhode Island Division of Motor vehicles to help participants navigate the process of reinstating their license, providing guidance and resources such as financial aid for fines or license reinstatement fees. In some circumstances, legal assistance from licensed attorneys and law students will be provided through the RI Center for Justice and the RWU Pro Bono Collaborative. Cases will be triaged based on complexity, ensuring that the program funds are used to assist as many eligible individuals as possible.

To be eligible for this program, applicants must have incomes at or below 65% of the area median income. Applicants must also be eligible for identification documents, such as an ID, Social Security card or birth certificate, and provide proof of Providence residency. Unhoused individuals are eligible to apply for the program. In addition, applications will be evaluated for factors like financial need and ability to pay related expenses like car insurance. Applicants cannot qualify for this program if their license was suspended for a moving violation that resulted in a felony conviction.

For more information regarding this program, please visit or pick up a paper application at OpenDoors, 485 Plainfield Street.

Eviction Defense Program

The Eviction Defense program will operate for a period of one year and will provide services to Providence residents who earn 65% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI) or who live in a qualified census tract. Qualified Census Tracts must have 50 percent of households with incomes below 60 percent of the Area Median Gross Income (AMGI) or have a poverty rate of 25 percent or more. The program will assist tenants through the support of attorney advocates and law students, access to a tenant help desk located in the Sixth District Housing Court in Providence and increased community supports through the DARE Tenant and Homeowner Association (THA), which provides outreach to at-risk families and uses bi-lingual canvassers for outreach in Providence’s low-income neighborhoods to address the root causes of homelessness. HousingWorks RI (HWRI) at Roger Williams University will oversee the data analysis, evaluation and reporting components of the eviction defense program.

For more information about this program, applicants can contact Rhode Island Legal Services at 401-274-2652 or visit the Tenant Help Desk in the Sixth District Housing Court in Providence.

Immigration Legal Assistance Program

Through this program, Dorcas International will provide free legal assistance to eligible Providence residents seeking U.S. citizenship and other immigration statuses, and help them to navigate other public benefits and programs available.

To be eligible for this program, individuals must have a household income that is at or below 300% of the federal poverty level guidelines or at or below 65% of the area median income, and must be seeking a legal path to U.S. citizenship or adjustment of status.

To apply for this program, please contact Dorcas International Institute of Rhode Island by calling 401-784-8607 or email Dorcas International’s Citizenship and Immigration department here.

City-wide Nonviolence Trainings

The Nonviolence Institute has been selected through a request for proposals process to manage a citywide nonviolence training initiative, intended to enhance participants’ conflict resolution skills and proactively identify interpersonal conflicts between individuals and groups at risk of escalating to violence. Through this partnership, the Nonviolence Institute will hold two types of trainings, one targeted at youth and another open to adults.

Opportunity 1: S.E.E.D. (Skills Enrichment Education Development) Training
The Nonviolence Institute will offer monthly S.E.E.D. (Skills Enrichment Education Development) trainings to youth ages 17-24 who are referred to the program by the Nonviolence Institute’s outreach team, as well as from schools, group homes and community agencies across the city​. These weeklong training programs will provide participants an opportunity to develop crucial skills that focus on the interconnectedness of the principles of nonviolence, conflict resolution and mental health and wellness. Community organizations and groups that work with youth are encouraged to refer individuals that they feel may benefit from this program.

Opportunity 2: The Beloved Community Workshop Series
The Nonviolence Institute will hold sessions of “The Beloved Community Workshop,” which is tailored for adult learners. These workshops provide training opportunities for groups of adults to learn and practice nonviolence skills such as mindfulness, mental health awareness and personal development, as well as education around issues of race, class, equity and justice. These workshops will be held bi-monthly until June 2023 and are open to the public.

Stipends for both programs are available to Providence residents. To learn more about workshop dates, and to register for either of these trainings or refer youth, visit https://www.nonviolenceinstitute.orgor email Juan Carter at