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City of Providence Seal PVD Rescue Plan

A special video message from Mayor Elorza about the Providence Rescue Plan
Jan 14, 2022

Learn about the investments we’re proposing and the next steps in making this funding a reality.


Dear Neighbor,

Last week, Mayor Elorza introduced an ordinance to the Providence City Council with a proposal for how to spend the City’s remaining American Rescue Plan funds. Community engagement has been central to our planning process for the Providence Rescue Plan, and we want to continue to provide updates and information as the Plan progresses. Mayor Elorza also recorded a special message about the Providence Rescue Plan, our proposal to make a unique $166M investment in the City’s present and future.


I encourage you to read Mayor Elorza’s proposed ordinance in English or Spanish to learn about the investments we’re proposing in areas like housing and homelessness, youth and community investments, racial equity, sustainability and more. These investments will fund the priority needs we heard loud and clear from our neighbors across the City as we all recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, and build on the first round of Rescue Plan investments made in July 2021.

Learn About Proposed Funding Areas

Funding is Available Now

Please help us spread the word as funding opportunities for young people, adult community members and businesses are already available on As additional programs and application processes are announced, they will be listed on our website.

What’s Next?

I hope this newsletter will be a learning tool for you, your friends, and community groups as you continue to stay informed and engaged. Please share this news with those in your community who may be interested in learning about the PVD Rescue Plan. Your participation is vital for a successful recovery.


Jax Gil, Rescue Plan Communications Manger

Submit Proposals

Organizations or individuals who have detailed, proposed uses of funds for the Providence Rescue Plan are invited to submit proposals.